Eine Person, von der man nur die Hände sieht, sitzt an einem Laptop und hält dabei eine Chipkarte in der Hand. Die andere Hand tippt etwas auf der Tastatur ein..

Online services for administration

Customized solutions

Customized online services are implemented by our experienced development teams. Our end-2-end solutions support the once-only principle and meet the highest standards in terms of security and data protection - from conception to implementation. Experienced project managers accompany you from planning to implementation to ensure that your digitalization projects are completed on time and within budget.

  • As-is analysis

    The as-is analysis serves to list the status quo of the current processes and uncover weaknesses and potential for improvement. Various methods are used for this purpose. Goals are defined, interviews and workshops are conducted with stakeholders, data is analyzed and recommendations for action are made.

  • Concept

    Requirements, technical and legal framework conditions are collected and prioritized. From these, a user-centered process is conceived and designed. The basic technical architecture, technologies and system requirements are defined.

  • Implementation

    When developing the software solution, the legal requirements in terms of data protection, IT security and accessibility are directly taken into account. Thanks to our agile approach, new requirements from the various stakeholders can always be prioritized and incorporated into the development. Tests are then carried out to ensure functionality, security and user-friendliness and to eliminate errors.

Find out how we can help you!

Get in touch now!

Tascha Schnitzler

Partnermanagement & Business Development
+49 (0) 173 2355731