Über der Hand eines ausgestreckten Arms schwebt eine hellblaue Illustration eines Kreises in dem ein Schutzschild mit einem Haken drauf.

IT security in the administration

Secure IT systems as the basis for a functioning administration

Security is the foundation of every well-functioning IT infrastructure, especially in administration. In a networked world in which data is constantly flowing and serves as the basis for many processes, protecting this data and systems is of crucial importance. In addition, legal requirements must be complied with. Data security in public administration is particularly important for the following areas.

Protection of sensitive data

Trust from citizens

Compliance with legal requirements

Protection against cyber attacks

Integrity and availability of data

Protection against economic damage

How our experts can help

Our IT security experts offer a wide range of services to protect your systems and data from threats. From thorough penetration tests for websites and infrastructure to comprehensive advice on secure software development, we are at your side as a reliable partner. A penetration test is a targeted examination of the IT infrastructure / a software system for vulnerabilities and security gaps.

Secure your IT now!

Tascha Schnitzler

Partnermanagement & Business Development
+49 (0) 173 2355731